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Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#821 closed defect (fixed)

Error al estimar con la version b.9 2011-11-07 17:58:33

Reported by: ameneguetti Owned by: mafernandez
Priority: blocker Milestone: Release 0.6
Component: General Keywords:

Description (last modified by Pedro Gea)

Hola MMS, cuando queremos estimar el objeto adjunto, MMS da el siguiente error:

Simulating iterations    1- 100 ... 

Warning: [5] [@BlockSampler @BSR.MainLinBlock.Rec_MetSer.Val.Uni_TPlPre_DDDXX_GeoUFe.XX_TReT.XX_VReXX_FreDia_SemAIA__1.0] [_.freeBlock] Cholesky solving had rounding error in interval [6.319999999999999e-013,1.591615728102624e-012 for 71 times of 100

 Simulating iterations  101- 200 [done  16.83%] [time/sim: 0.047960 s] [remaining     24 s]

Warning: [6] [If] condition function cannot return unknown values.

ERROR: [6] [BysMcmc S0004] Block @BSR.MainLinBlock.Rec_MetSer.Val.Uni_TPlPre_DDDXX_GeoUFe.XX_TReT.XX_VReXX_FreDia_SemAIA__1.0 has unknown or infinite values :?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; -1/0; 1/0; 0.609755544022816; 

BysMcmc system will be stoped at this point.

[Call stack]
  [15] Real StdLib::CMsg::Coded::show (Set msgInfo, Set args)
  [14] Real est::cycler::cycler::cycler::cycler::sampler::master::_.mln.blk::blk::checkNonFiniteValues (Real unused)
  [13] Real est::cycler::cycler::cycler::cycler::sampler::master::_.mln.blk::blk::putStoreV (VMatrix values)
  [12] Real est::cycler::cycler::cycler::cycler::sampler::master::_.mln.blk::blk::putStore (Matrix values)
  [11] Real est::cycler::cycler::cycler::cycler::sampler::master::_.mln.blk::blk::setStore (Matrix values)
  [10] VMatrix est::cycler::cycler::cycler::cycler::sampler::master::_.mln.blk::blk::get.draw (Real numSim, Real force)
  [9] VMatrix est::cycler::cycler::cycler::cycler::sampler::master::draw_with_linear_block (Real numSim)
  [8] VMatrix est::cycler::cycler::cycler::cycler::sampler::master::draw (Real numSim)
  [7] Real est::cycler::cycler::cycler::cycler::cycler::generate (Real sampleLength)
  [6] Real est::results::estim::Run (Real void)
  [5] Real est::est::estimation::strategy::strategyBSR::Execute (Real void)
  [4] Real est::est::estimation::estimation::estimation::Execute (Real void)
  [3] Real VivBraForTra::obj::AppendAIA (NameBlock est, Set setRation)
  [2] NameBlock VivBraForTra::obj::CreateEstimation (Text output, NameBlock settings, Date iniEst, Date endEst)
  [1] NameBlock VivBraForTra::obj::GetOrCreateEstimation (Text output, NameBlock settings, Date iniEst, Date endEst, Real forceCreation)

Warning: [7] :: function failed at : 
CMsg::Coded::show(BysMcmc::_.cmsg::_.unkInfBlock, SetOfAnything(, 

Estamos estimando con la version de TOL 2.0.1 (b.9 2011-11-07 17:58:33 i686-win).
Si intentamos estimar con una version anterior de TOL 2.0.1 (b.1 2011-05-03 08:38:16 i686-win), conseguimos estimar sin problemas, pero necesitamos utilizar la última version de TOL por necesidades de la herramienta BWSuit.

Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Pedro Gea

Description: modified (diff)
Milestone: Release 0.6
version: 0.6

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Pedro Gea

Nota: para incluir texto en forma de código hay que comenzar y terminar el bloque con las triples llaves en líneas separadas:


y no:

{{{ texto1
texto3 }}}

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by mafernandez

(In [2822]) Refs #821

Se corrige error en el método MMS.Get.Bsr.Param.Info_WithoutConstraints que afectaba los valores iniciales de los parámetros

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by mafernandez

Owner: changed from Pedro Gea to mafernandez
Status: newaccepted

comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by mafernandez

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

Es necesario actualizar la versión de MMS a la 6044.

Real TolPackage::Client::RemoteUpdateAll(True);
Real TolPackage::Client::RemoteUpgradeeAll(True);

En la settings de BSR es necesario cambiar los siguientes parámetros:

bsr.iniVal.try.givenByUser = 2 = 3
bsr.iniVal.try.findFeasible = 4
bsr.iniVal.try.cnstrMinNorm = 5
bsr.iniVal.try.cnstrMLE = 1

Con esa configuración se puede efectuar la estimación sin problemas, el tique queda cerrado. Si el problema contínua ponerse en contacto con el equipo MMS.

comment:6 Changed 12 years ago by (none)

Los archivos adjuntos con datos privados se han ubicado en la unidad local B.

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