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Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#76 closed task

Testeo de informacion a priori coherente: Dominio de la variable — at Version 4

Reported by: lmperez Owned by: josp
Priority: major Milestone: Release 0.6
Component: Tests Keywords:

Description (last modified by Pedro Gea)

Desagrego a petición de Jorge los diferentes casos de testeo de información a priori coherente que subí en el ticket "Testeo de informacion a priori coherente"

El dominio de la variable es básicamente comprobar que el mínimo es menor que el máximo, y entre ellos está el valor inicial del muestreo. Teniendo en cuenta que pueden ser omitidos (+- infinito)

Os escribo debajo el código en bsrlayer:

//Logical intervals checking
Real li = Case(
  And(  BinEQ(sQry->min,?),
    Not(BinEQ(sQry->max,?))), Real sQry->ini <= sQry->max,
      Not(BinEQ(sQry->max,?))), Real sQry->min < sQry->max,

          BinEQ(sQry->max,?)),  Real sQry->min <= sQry->ini,

      Not(BinEQ(sQry->max,?))), Real And(sQry->min <  sQry->max,
                                         sQry->min <= sQry->ini,
                                         sQry->ini <= sQry->max),

  Real True,
  Real True

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by lmperez

Component: Definición de ParámetrosGeneral
Owner: changed from Pedro Gea to josp
Type: defecttask

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by lmperez

Milestone: Strategy & Adapter 0.5
Priority: criticalmajor

comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by Pedro Gea

Description: modified (diff)
Milestone: Release 0.5Release 0.6
version: 0.50.6

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by Pedro Gea

Component: GeneralTests
Description: modified (diff)
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